Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Get Pool Tile Repair

With age, swimming pool tiles can crack or come loose from the…

How Rain Can Affect Your Swimming Pool

As the rainy season in Southern California begins, homeowners…

4 Types of Pool Coping That Will Transform Your Pool

It’s an oft-overlooked aspect of pool design, but pool coping…

Why A Swimming Pool is Perfect for the Holidays

Across most of the country, swimming pools are out of commission…

How to Know When It’s Time for Pool Resurfacing

As the weather cools down and you spend less time swimming in…

Why You Shouldn’t DIY Your Pool Replastering

Although every pool owner knows that pools require constant maintenance…

3 Common Pool Disasters to Avoid

There are few things more enjoyable than having a private pool…

Choosing the Best Pool Finish for Your Home

If you’re installing or repairing a pool in your Southern California…

Saltwater vs Chlorine Pools

If you’re a Southern California resident considering a new…

Swimming Pool Care & Maintenance Tips

Although the benefits of pool ownership are numerous, there is…