Choosing the Perfect Pool Tile for Your Pool’s Water Features

Many pool users are creating water features to accentuate light and color while adding a sense of sereneness to a pool. Although there are many different materials that you can use to construct your water feature, pool tiles are a popular choice due to their durability and variety. There are countless pool tile choices to choose from, which means you’ll have to think hard about which one is the right fit for your pool. When choosing the right pool tile for your water features, there are some key factors to consider.

Picking a Suitable Pool Tile Color

One of the first things to think about when considering a pool tile is its color. Tiles are available in almost every color imaginable, so it will ultimately come down to preference. Darker colors like blue are more attention-grabbing and dramatic, which will make your pool tiles more noticeable and allow them to stand out from the rest of your pool area. If you’re going for something more subtle, lighter colors like grey and light brown are the way to go. These colors will better complement a pool area by providing greater balance.  

Utilizing Patterns 

If you have trouble settling on one color for your pool tile, you could try using patterns. Patterns allow for the use of multiple colors in a single space. Using a design that features many colors or shades will contrast your water feature from its surroundings. It becomes easier to determine the boundaries of a water feature when it is more noticeable. Some pool owners prefer this because it’ll allow swimmers to avoid mistakenly bumping into it as it is quite different from everything around it. 

Pool Tile Size Matters

Pool tiles come in all kinds of sizes. The size of your tile will depend on your water feature. Large tiles are more appropriate for more prominent water features and will help block it off from the rest of your yard. Meanwhile, small tiles are commonly chosen for water features because they can be used to make stunning mosaic designs that can drastically enhance the look of a pool. It is also possible to use small and large tiles in combination if you like the aesthetic of both and think that they work well together. 

Finding the Right Pool Tile Shape

Although there are numerous shapes that you can choose from for your tile, most people often go for options like squares and rectangles. These choices are excellent and will more than do the job for any kind of project you’ve envisioned. For those who are a bit more adventurous and desire something different, triangles are a shape that you can use for your tile that will help place the focus on the corners of your water feature. There’s also the option of using multiple shapes together, like squares and circles. You can place a shape at one side of the water feature while using another shape at the other end of the waterfall.

No matter what kind of tile you select or how you choose to design your pool, trust So Cal Pool Plaster to help you with all of your pool-related needs. We offer excellent pool tiles of all sizes, types, and colors. Along with our incredible lineup, we also provide world-class pool remodeling services that are unrivaled in quality. Every one of our pool restoration services is reliable, affordable, and comes with a limited warranty, making us the best swimming pool contractors for our Southern California clients. To learn more about our pool restoration and remodeling options, call us today at (714) 617-8182 or fill out our online form. One of our friendly and professional pool contractors will reach out to you and provide you with a free estimate for your next project.